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DISCOVERY: Photo-Identification Data-Management System for Individually Recognizable Animals

MARK - Software for mark-recapture analyses and parameter estimation using data from marked animals when they are re-encountered (re-captured) at a later time. 

SOCPROG - Software for quantifying, analyzing and modeling social structure, population structure and movements of identified individuals. 

Pythagoras - Software system designed to assist researchers in collecting, managing, and analyzing shore-based theodolite, abundance, and behavioral data. 

FinBase - A customized Microsoft Access database that stores and manages textual and numerical data from photo-identification surveys and performs many tasks associated with image management and analysis. 

Fluke Matcher - Computer-aided fluke matching program which increases efficiency in identifying individuals and finding resights within photo-identification catalogues of humpback whales. 

Darwin - Software system, originally designed for bottlenose dolphins, which helps managing photo-ID data and relevant behavioural and ecological information. 

Software for population analyses - Website containing several software for population analyses, particularly estimation of abundance, survival and recruitment rates (using both capture-recapture and recovery models). 

Distance - Computer package that helps in the design and facilitates analyses of distance sampling surveys of wildlife populations. 

PWRC software archive - Website that provides links to several tools and software for analysis of animal populations for wildlife biologists/managers. 

Quantum GIS - User friendly, fast developing and powerful Open Source Geographic Information System (GIS) software. 

MapWindow - A GIS project that includes a free and open source desktop geographic information system (GIS) with an extensible plugin architecture; a GIS ActiveX control; and C# GIS programmer library called DotSpatial. 

Giovanni - A web application developed by the GES DISC to provide a simple, intuitive way to visualize, analyze, and access vast amounts of Earth science remote sensing data, particularly from satellites, without having to download the data. 

OBIS - SEAMAP - Ocean Biogeographic Information System Spatial Ecological Analysis of Megavertebrate Populations provides a spatially referenced online database, aggregating marine mammal, seabird and sea turtle observation data from across the globe. 

Raven Pro - A research and teaching tool for scientists working with acoustic signals. 

PAMGuard - Open Source Software for Passive Acoustics Monitoring. 

Chelonia - Passive acoustic monitoring instruments that detect toothed whales, dolphins and porpoises by identifying the trains of echo-location sounds they produce. 

Cetacean Research Technology - Specializes in providing hydrophones and underwater acoustic instrumentation tailored for the applications of scientists, engineers, recording artists, and recreational enthusiasts. 

Wildlife Computers - Designs and manufactures tags incorporating state-of-the-art electronics and software. These tags are housed in a multitude of shapes customised to minimize the impact on the study animal.

© 2012 Glenn Gailey and Leszek Karczmarski

​© 2019 by Cetacea Research Institute. All rights reserved.

Design by Carmen Or, Andy Lee and Leszek Karczmarski

Website administrator: Andy Lee

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